Henry Hopkins Sibley

Henry Hopkins Sibley
He went to Richmond, Virginia, and there persuaded Jefferson Davis to adopt a grandiose plan to seize not only New Mexico but also Colorado and California for the Confederacy. Commissioned a brigadier general, Sibley went to San Antonio, where he helped organize three regiments of Texans into Sibley's Brigade. He then launched an invasion of New Mexico, marched his army across West Texas to Fort Bliss, and defeated the federals under Col. Edward R. S. Canby near Fort Craig in the bloody battle of Valverde on February 21, 1862. Sibley also designed a new 12-man bell tent and stove, easy to pack, and used for many years by the American and British armies. (per http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fsi01) Image Description: Black and white image shows a close portrait of Henry Hopkins Sibley. He is slightly facing away from the camera staring off into another direction. Sibley wears a military coat with four large buttons at his chest. At the collar at his neck three embroidered stars and two olive branches curving inward almost hugging the three stars. Sibley has grey hair combed at the top but that bristles out on his sides just above his ears and is parted at the side. His mustache and patchy beard near his cheeks is also grey and bristles out in different directions. Sibley has wrinkles near his eyes, nose, and forehead indicating his older age.
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