Victoria Sinclair - 1st Runner Up - Miss New Mexico - 2017
Victoria Sinclair - Primera finalista - Señorita Nuevo México - 2017

Victoria Sinclair - 1st Runner Up - Miss New Mexico - 2017
Mission accomplished my dear friends! Living proof that if you set your mind to greater heights. Work harder then you have ever worked. Remain with your TWO feet firmly planted on the ground and your heart in the hands of God. ANYTHING is possible. I would like to Thank EACH and EVERY one of you who has taken to the kindness of their hearts to reach out to me, my AMAZING family and friends and the group of individuals who pushed me to grow and challenge myself. I Love you all more than words can describe!!!! This entire journey has enlightened me in ways I never dreamed of and I feel so refreshed and inspired. I know God has great plans for us! You just have to BELIEVE with every ounce of your heart and soul!! THANK YOU!!!!!! 1st Runner up my 1st year competing in Miss New Mexico USA!!! SO PROUD!!! Victoria Sinclair
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