Raymundo Joseph Peña - 1980
Raymundo Joseph Peña - 1980

Raymundo Joseph Peña - 1980

Raymundo Joseph Peña (born 19 February 1934) is an American Roman Catholic bishop. Born in Corpus Christi, Texas, he was the son of Cosme A. Peña and Elisa Ramon Peña. He attended St. John’s Seminary, and Assumption Seminary, both in San Antonio, Texas. He was ordained on 25 May 1957 at Corpus Christi Cathedral by the Most Reverend Mariano S. Garriaga, D.D., LL.D. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymundo_Joseph_Pe%C3%B1a On 16 October 1976, he was named Titular bishop of Trisipa and Auxiliary to the Archbishop of San Antonio. In 1979 he served as Administrator Sede Vacante for the Archdiocese of San Antonio. In 1980, Peña was appointed Bishop of El Paso, serving for 15 years until his installation as Bishop of Brownsville in 1995. He submitted his letter of resignation to the Congregation for Bishops upon reaching 75. His resignation was accepted when Pope Benedict XVI, named Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, Daniel E. Flores as bishop in his stead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymundo_Joseph_Pe%C3%B1a

Area: Central / El Paso High

Source: Diocese of El Paso

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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