Sacred Heart Catholic Church - El Paso, Texas - 2014
Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón - El Paso, Texas - 2014

Sacred Heart Catholic Church - El Paso, Texas - 2014
The Rev. Carlos M. Pinto, S.J., a native Italian, arrived in El Paso 1892. The Jesuit set about establishing two churches to meet the language, culture, and customs needs of both, the English-speaking and the Spanish-speaking Catholics. First, he founded Sacred Heart School in South El Paso, completing it by October on 1892, staffed with Sisters of Loretto. Father Pinto then purchased land and built two churches; Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception were completed in June 1893. After, he went on building other churches, amongst them St. Ignatius, Guardian Angel, Sagrado Corazón (Ciudad Juarez) and Holy Family. Father Pinto died on November 5th, 1919 in El Paso and is buried at Concordia Cemetery.