Digital Wall Artwork in the evening

Digital Wall Artwork in the evening
Digital Wall Artwork in the evening - Installed in March of 2015. Guests are also seen viewing the Digital Wall in the background. "Digie, the city's digital history wall, will be closed this week as the latest public art project is installed adjacent to it at the El Paso Museum of History. "Time Expanding," a piece of art glass by commissioned artist Charlotte Paul, will be installed starting today at the museum, 510 N. Santa Fe St. in Downtown. The installation, which abstractly depicts the vastness of the Southwestern sky over El Paso, is expected to be completed Thursday, city officials said in a news release. The piece consists of seven panels that are each nearly 9 feet tall and 4 feet wide, city officials said. During the installation, the Digital Information Gateway in El Paso will be closed to the public. However, Mini-Digie, the smaller mobile version of the digital wall, will be open to the public inside the museum, city officials said."
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