Dr. Jerome D. Love - El Paso, Texas
Dr. Jerome D. Love - El Paso, Tejas

Dr. Jerome D. Love - El Paso, Texas
Dr. Jerome D. Love was one of the first traveling doctors, he would go many miles on horseback in to the mountain, out to ranches and remote sites to help aid patients. He treat cowboys for problems from frostbitten legs that needed amputation to hands mangled by misuse of dynamite. Most of the time operations were at isolated location in primitive conditions. Dr. love went to New York for additional schooling but was contacted by Lincoln NM residents and ask him to relocate there, on his journey back he ended up in Safford AZ and practiced there for a few years. on a visit with relatives in Palmer TX he meet a lady and were married. she did not want to leave Texas so they settled in El Paso. In the 1930's Dr. Love Started "Hospital on Wheels" were he equipped a van and drove to his patients doing minor operations and delivering babies up to thirty-five a month. He continued practicing until his death in 1946.
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