Irene Gonzalez and Jesus Nevarez
Irene Gonzalez y Jesus Nevarez

Irene Gonzalez and Jesus Nevarez
This is one of the images taken on the wedding day of Irene Gonzalez and Jesus Nevarez in 1950. As many El Pasoans they went to the Casasola Photograph Studio downtown to take pictures in order to remember a special occasion, for example the wedding or a graduation. Alfonso Casasola, a member of a famous family of Mexican photographers, came to El Paso in the 1920s after several years in the Mexican consular service. He established the Casasola Studio (also known by its Spanish name, Estudio Casasola) at 511 S. El Paso Street and was active in many civic organizations. He died on February 17, 1948 at the age of 59, but his wife, Emma Flores Casasola, continued the studio for many years.
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