Robert Ewing Thomason

Robert Ewing Thomason
The photograph shows Robert Ewing Thomason. He carried out various judicial and political tasks during his life (1879-1973): Having graduated from law school in 1900, he started his practice in Gainesville. Due to malaria, Thomason and his wife moved to El Paso in 1912, to a higher and drier climate. Their two children were born there. He started a successful law firm, one of his partners was Thomas C. Lea Jr, both were known for their use of emotionalism in the courtroom. The Democrat served as Texas legislator in the House of Representatives from 1917 to 1919, and became House Speaker in 1919. He was elected mayor of El Paso in 1927. He is especially remembered because he built the first El Paso airport and brought major businesses to El Paso, e.g. refining companies. He also worked for the Southside Welfare Committee, a forerunner of slum-clearance projects. His dream came true in 1931, when he was elected to the U.S. Congress. Two of his achievements were the expansion of Fort Bliss and the establishment of Big Bend National Park. He was very active in regard to war legislation, the Thomason Act of 1939 is named after him (it provided a year's army training for special students). In 1947 Thomason was appointed Federal District Judge for the Western District of Texas by President Harry S. Truman, a position which he carried out until 1963, when he was 84. He is remembered for his outstanding and widely respected public service and his dedication to the Nation's welfare and security.
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