Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition

Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Gustavo Reveles, he/him/his Historia type: Oral History Can you please state your name and pronouns? Can you share a little about where you grew up and what side of El Paso you most identify with? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Gustavo Reveles

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Adri Perez, they/them Historia type: Oral History Can you please state your name and pronouns? Can you share a little about where you grew up and what side of El Paso you most identify with? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Adri Perez

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Theresa Pearson, she/her/hers Historia type: Oral History Can you please state your name and pronouns? Can you share a little about where you grew up and what side of El Paso you most identify with? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Theresa Pearson

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Michael Reyes, he/him/his Historia type: Oral History Can you please state your name and pronouns? Can you share a little about where you grew up and what side of El Paso you most identify with? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Michael Reyes

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Gustavo Reveles, he/him/his Historia type: Oral History Was there ever a time when you felt the greater El Paso community did or didn’t support LGBTQ+ community? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Gustavo Reveles

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Adri Perez, they/them Historia type: Oral History When you came into your identity what adversities did you face and how has that shaped you as an individual? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Adri Perez

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Theresa Pearson, she/her/hers Historia type: Oral History How do you feel about displaying/sharing the LGTBQ+ histories in our local history museum? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Theresa Pearson

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Michael Reyes, he/him/his Historia type: Oral History Was there ever a time when you felt the greater El Paso community did or didn’t support LGBTQ+ community? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Michael Reyes

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Gustavo Reveles, he/him/his Historia type: Oral History What would you like future generations to know about the El Paso LGBTQ+ community? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Gustavo Reveles

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Adri Perez, they/them Historia type: Oral History El Paso is a unique border city. How has El Paso shaped or impacted you as a person? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Adri Perez

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Theresa Pearson, she/her/hers Historia type: Oral History What would you like future generations to know about the El Paso LGBTQ+ community? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Theresa Pearson

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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Historias: Pride Edition - Virtual Exhibition

Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition A virtual exhibition curated by our community Courtesy of: Michael Reyes, he/him/his Historia type: Oral History How do you feel about displaying/sharing the LGTBQ+ histories in our local history museum? "Historias: Stories of El Paso - Pride Edition" features oral histories from members of the El Paso LGBTQIA+ community. This is an extension of our existing community curated exhibition that was unveiled a year ago on June 4, 2020. Often when we think of history we think in terms of notable events and people made famous by those events. We do not think of the larger population and how they shaped and continue to shape those narratives. Historias is about everyone. It is about the experiences that shape and connect us to one another. We aim to share these stories from our community to highlight individual memories of life, traditions, people, and landscape.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Museum of History; Michael Reyes

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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