Other SISD schools

Other SISD schools

Other SISD schools

Keys Academy
Phone: (915) 937-4000 Address: 12380 Pine Springs Dr. El Paso, TX 79938 Grades: 6 - 12 Colors: Navy and orange
Area: Eastside / Americas
Source: SISD
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Options High School
Options High School opened its doors on June 4, 2007. Options is a non-traditional high school that offers academic options for students that want to complete the necessary requirements for obtaining a high school diploma.The school uses a competency-based learning system with flexible scheduling for young adults who are not successfully completing a traditional high school program. The student’s commitment and desire to earn a high school diploma, combined with a caring, positive learning climate, determines the student’s degree of success. Options is designed to serve those students who are self-disciplined, strongly motivated, and committed to furthering their education in a self-paced environment. Students make progress at their own pace using computers and other supportive software, and are expected to meet all SISD graduation requirements. Their records are sent to their home campus for verification of graduation eligibility, and have the opportunity to attend a graduation ceremony at the home campus. Phone: 915-937-1300 Address: 12380 Pine Springs El Paso, TX 79928 Grades: 10-12 Mascot: Rhino School Colors: Silver and black
Area: Eastside / Americas
Source: SISD
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Mission Early College High School
In August 2005, Socorro Independent School District and the El Paso Community College jointly created Mission Early College High School (MECHS). This unique school is founded on the belief that many young people are ready and eager to do serious college work. It enables highly motivated students to move in four years from the ninth grade through the first two years of college, earning the associate of arts (A.A.) degree. Students from many different backgrounds who have a strong record of excellence and diverse interests will benefit from MECHS curriculum. Students will become equipped with the analytical skills needed to pursue their passions. Phone: (915) 937-1200 Address: 10700 Gateway Blvd., El Paso, TX 79927 Grades: 9 - 12 Mascot: Phoenix School Colors: Blue and teal
Area: Mission Valley / Socorro
Source: SISD
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