Peace of Art Poster "La Palabra con P"
Poster designed for Peace of Art Volume 1. An exhibit to speak out against the drug violence in the border and to promote peace.
Area: Central / Five Points
Source: Peace of Art/Aldo Contreras
Uploaded by: Peace of Art
Showing 0 of 0 results
Peace of Art Poster "La Solucion Esta en tus Manos"
Source: Peace of Art/Alan Peña
Peace of Art Poster "HALTO: Stop Recycling Violence"
Source: Peace of Art/Mitsu Overstreet
Peace of Art Poster "Let Us Pray for Juárez"
Source: Peace of Art/Celina Del Toro
Peace of Art Poster "La Cucaracha"
Source: Peace of Art/Clive Cochran
Peace of Art Poster "Legalize"
Source: Peace of Art/Jose A. Contreras
Peace of Art Poster "Cd. Juárez"
Source: Peace of Art/Adrian Campuzano
Peace of Art Poster "Noble Truths"
Source: Peace of Art/Alejandro Cardona Deita
Peace of Art Poster "Todos Somos Juárez"
Source: Peace of Art/Antonio A. Castro
Peace of Art Poster "Benito Juárez"
Source: Peace of Art/Ann Giangiulio
Peace of Art Poster "A Cry for Blood, A Cry for Love"
Source: Peace of Art/Armando Alvarez
Peace of Art Poster "AK 47"
Source: Peace of Art/Berenice Mendez
Peace of Art Poster "Cd. Juárez, Una Ciudad en Busca de Paz"
Source: Peace of Art/Carlos A. Lopez
Peace of Art Poster "No Mas Mujeres Desaparecidas"
Source: Peace of Art/Chris Charnichart
Showing 0 of 1 results
Peace of Art Poster "Paz"
Source: Peace of Art/Christian Prado
Peace of Art Poster "Virgin of Guadalupe with Helmet"
Source: Peace of Art/Daniel McDonald
Peace of Art Poster "Look Harder, It is Still a Cover Up"
Source: Peace of Art/Gabriel Basurto
Peace of Art Poster "Cd. Juárez, Once a City, Now a Statistic"
Peace of Art Poster "Calling All Heroes"
Source: Peace of Art/Miguel Ibarra
Peace of Art Poster "Please... Peace"
Source: Peace of Art/Miranda Alvarez
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