JLEP President Sharon Butterworth served in 1980-81
In 1980-1981, under the leadership of JLEP president Mrs. Hughes Butterworth Jr., the membership adopted the following position statement:
The Junior League of El Paso, Texas, Inc. supports and promotes the following: Every child in Texas should have access to quality education. Therefore:
• Conditions conducive to recruiting and maintaining quality teachers must exist;
• Standards of Excellence for teachers must be required;
Children should be educated according to their individual needs. Letters were sent to all Texas legislators, our local school superintendents, school board members, and teachers' organizations, requesting their support for the bills in the state legislature which would grant increases in teachers' salaries, require teacher competency testing and additional funding for programs for the gifted and talented students.
Sharon Butterworth worked for improved mental health in Texas and El Paso in 2017.
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